conv This is a small Python Function that allows you to see the variance, percentage of missing values and unique values within a dataset!

Installation instructions:

pip install quickpt

from quickpt.quickpt import quickpt
quickpt(df, graph=None, encode=True, width=800, height=400)

or !pip3 install quickpt

from quickpt.quickpt import quickpt
quickpt(df, graph=None, encode=True, width=800, height=400)

quickpt library

Creates a DataFrame showing the missing values, total unique values, data type, and variance of each feature.

If the argument graph is passed, then a bar chart of the specified parameter is visualized.


graph : var, null, uniq (default is None)

encode : True, False (default is True)

width : int (default is 800)

height : int (default is 400)

Description of Parameters

  • var = variance
  • null = percent of missing values in decimal form
  • uniq = sum of unique values
  • encode –> True = Uses LabelEncoder to encode categorical variables and receive summary statistics
  • encode –> False = Only shows DataFrame/Visualization of original numeric variables of input data
  • width = update graph width
  • height = update graph height


  • Used on preprocessed datasets that have only numerical features
  • If data has categorical features set encoder=True to temporarily LabelEncode categorical features to numeric :D



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