Exploring ML Trends with ML Research Radar

Deployment by streamlit

Using Streamlit's new experimental connection feature, this app seamlessly integrates with the ArXiv API and BERT enabling efficient summarization and exploration of the latest machine learning research.

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myFitnessPal Data Converter Python Package

myFitnessPal Data Converter

This project is a Python package created to show the average of those 4 categories to add up towards the whole day to be able to see total Macronutrients and Micronutrients for the day or month instead of total Macronutrients and Micronutrients for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks.

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Predicting Body Fat Percentage through Machine Learning

Deployment by streamlit

Many today are quite cautious about their own weight, constantly trying to understand whether their body composition fits the standard. Most of the time, those who want to get an in-depth and highly accurate understanding of their body fat percentage must spend a pretty penny.

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